Friday, June 3, 2011

Reflective Log Questions

The meeting was about parking’s problem in HCT, Abu Dhabi. I was a member in this meeting. My role was to give solutions to solve this problem.
First, I studied the factors that cause this problem. After that, I gave solutions according to that factors and it reaches a good point of success. My team was agreeing with me in my opinion and they also gave me some of their feedback about my opinion. I was very pleased listening that and I really obay what they said about my opinion even it was positive or negative. I thinker about their feedback so, I enhanced my mind so that I found new other solutions for the problem. Now the parking’s problem becomes less.
The presentation was about the difference between whit board and smart board for this presentation, first, we did meeting with teachers to know what they prefer and why they prefer that. Second, we searched in the internet to collect some helpful information.
In fact, we did not do well because it was the first time we present. But after this presentation, we have got some experience to present good presentation in the future.
I learned from class to use body language, clear voice and simple words to be easy to understand. After learning that, I found myself better in presenting and also, this was my biggest challenges, but now it is very easy to communicate with formal places.

Formal Presentation Summary Assignment

I attend a presentation Introduced by Abdullah Ail (ID NO.: H00156346), the presentation took place in classroom T008 on Thursday on 26 - 2011 at 16:00 and the subject was about air pollution.

He began his presentation by introducing himself and he talked about the topic and his outline. Abdullah was explaining in second slide about the cause of the problem which is pollution that results gases. The next slide he talked about the consequences of the global warming which pollution are coming from the factories using fossil fuels with carbon emissions as results of burning it and also the increasing in temperature which cause ice melting and rise of the sea level every year. Abdullah concluded that we should reduce using the amount of Things that affected the air that we are using. Find new way to produce power by renewable sources available.

Abdullah used very nice simple background in his presentation and less amount of text and words with good font and size that easy to understand. His conclusion was good and covers his idea.

In conclusion, the presentation he does it very well for his skills in future and his study. He also got knowledge of what he was presenting which can help him improve his idea and the way of thinking and looking to better solutions.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

semi-formal summary

On April 28th I attended a presentation by my classmate, Saeed Rashid. The presentation took place in classroom W008 at 16:00.
The presentation was about the differentiation between white board and smart board and the duration of the presentation was approximately five minutes. On the subject of the presenter’s characteristics, he was confident and smart. In addition to that he was well- organized and professional in using Microsoft Power Point Program. He was also good in communication skills. However his performance during the presentation was average because he did not use body language and all the time he was reading from the board. Regarding the context of the presentation, the information was clear but it was a little boring because  he used paragraphs instead of using key words.
Overall the presentation was useful but I think that there were things that needed improvement were the choice of pictures and the body language. Therefore, I recommend him to do more practices before doing the presentation.

Sunday, April 3, 2011



Date of meeting: 20th March 2010
Topic: Traffic in HCT
Time of meeting:   14:20
Venue: class room (104)
Meeting participants:
Participants: Saeed Rashed  ,Abdullah Ali ,Atteq ,Khalifa
Chair \Lead: Saeed Rashed
Minute’s taker: Abdullah
Venue preparation   :
Table and chairs for 4 people.
Paper and pens.
1-Find the causes of traffic and discuss why it is so complex?
2-Find the solution for the traffic problem.
3-Solutions discuss, choice the best.
              This meeting will present the traffic issues in the  HCT .As i am one of councilor student, I  have been inform from the head college department, asking our group to find some solution for college traffic. We know that the college had serious accident last year and it was a disaster and since that day, the college has made strong rules to avoid serious risk for an accident .We want to know what the biggest issue is make the traffic so complex and we will try to find easy solution suit for everybody. One of the idea to make a signal light , which  is probably the most easily recognized traffic control device and also ,we recommend to sometimes giving traffic tickets and, encourage students and teachers to use the parking in right way .Finally , we will consider for everybody be responsible for his behavior .

Thursday, March 24, 2011


        Last week me and my group member had a good decision about the problems of parking lots. The meeting was on Sunday Date 21/03/2011. We started from 4:00 pm until 4:20 pm. Khalifa , saeed , and Abdullah there are my team member including me. We outlined some problems and third solutions .This meeting has been given from HCT academic services. 
        After of all, we discussed about traffic jam in parking lots. Moreover each member had outline some problems and there solutions. So I note the problem which is some students didn’t park their cars in Specific parking area. Also they park their cars by using two places in parking lots. Khalifa said the thickness on place of parking lots so we can’t park our cars in parking correctly. Abdullah said that some students came late and they don’t park their cars in parking lots they park on footpath. Finally there are many problems but these problems are mostly happened on parking lots.
        Also we outlined some solutions to solve these problems; first of all we advised some solutions to academic services which that put some fines to those who aren’t park their cars correctly. In addition to build the parking lots building which is carry many cares .moreover , increase the area of parking lots and  we also advised that each student must have the ID number which belongs to specific parking lot so we can contact with them easily.
        The sum of all we hope that the academic accept our suggestion. That will be good for avoid the traffic jam on the college. So we had a nice meeting which is helps us to improve our skills and how to solve the problems.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The difficulties of speaking in public

       It is difficult to imagine a business that does not use presentations to communicate the important information.
       We are using presentation to train, to deliver information or news to a group of people at the same time, to bring people together to solve problems. Also to show how service, product, or process are work.
       However some people think that giving presentations are difficult. Almost everyone is afraid of speaking in public. Being afraid of speaking in front of a lot of people is called stage fright. Stage fright can cause dry mouth, a pounding heart, and tense muscles. So, take a deep breath and try to relax.
       If you have thought a lot about what are you going to say, have written, notes, and have practiced your presentation you are more likely to feel confident.
        At the end, I have some advices it helps to become a good speaks, stay calm,  open you arms occasionally while you are speaking, vary your tone, do not tell the people that you are nervous, don’t  read from your notes and don’t get angry.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

About Me

           My name is Ateeq Omar AL-amoudi. I am 19 years old. I live with my parents in Abu Dhabi in place called Ban Al Jesren its 20 KM far from Abu Dhabi. I am still single. My father is working in the Armey and my mother is teaching in secondary school. I have two brothers and two sisters. My biggest brother is working in Police College and my sisters’ are still studying.
          I am Study at Abu Dhabi Men’s College in second year and I am studying mechanic engineering. In my free time I like watching movies and chatting with my friends in the internet. My favorite hopes are playing foot ball, swimming and traveling.
            My career path is to become the famous engineer in the world.