Friday, June 3, 2011

Reflective Log Questions

The meeting was about parking’s problem in HCT, Abu Dhabi. I was a member in this meeting. My role was to give solutions to solve this problem.
First, I studied the factors that cause this problem. After that, I gave solutions according to that factors and it reaches a good point of success. My team was agreeing with me in my opinion and they also gave me some of their feedback about my opinion. I was very pleased listening that and I really obay what they said about my opinion even it was positive or negative. I thinker about their feedback so, I enhanced my mind so that I found new other solutions for the problem. Now the parking’s problem becomes less.
The presentation was about the difference between whit board and smart board for this presentation, first, we did meeting with teachers to know what they prefer and why they prefer that. Second, we searched in the internet to collect some helpful information.
In fact, we did not do well because it was the first time we present. But after this presentation, we have got some experience to present good presentation in the future.
I learned from class to use body language, clear voice and simple words to be easy to understand. After learning that, I found myself better in presenting and also, this was my biggest challenges, but now it is very easy to communicate with formal places.

1 comment:

  1. OK - but you didn't need to talk about your meeting; only semi-formal; formal; and skills. Short but otherwise a good job.

