Thursday, March 24, 2011


        Last week me and my group member had a good decision about the problems of parking lots. The meeting was on Sunday Date 21/03/2011. We started from 4:00 pm until 4:20 pm. Khalifa , saeed , and Abdullah there are my team member including me. We outlined some problems and third solutions .This meeting has been given from HCT academic services. 
        After of all, we discussed about traffic jam in parking lots. Moreover each member had outline some problems and there solutions. So I note the problem which is some students didn’t park their cars in Specific parking area. Also they park their cars by using two places in parking lots. Khalifa said the thickness on place of parking lots so we can’t park our cars in parking correctly. Abdullah said that some students came late and they don’t park their cars in parking lots they park on footpath. Finally there are many problems but these problems are mostly happened on parking lots.
        Also we outlined some solutions to solve these problems; first of all we advised some solutions to academic services which that put some fines to those who aren’t park their cars correctly. In addition to build the parking lots building which is carry many cares .moreover , increase the area of parking lots and  we also advised that each student must have the ID number which belongs to specific parking lot so we can contact with them easily.
        The sum of all we hope that the academic accept our suggestion. That will be good for avoid the traffic jam on the college. So we had a nice meeting which is helps us to improve our skills and how to solve the problems.

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